Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tiananmen Square and The Forbidden City

Although I can’t say that I know much about both places I visited, I definitely learned a lot and am inspired to educate myself further about China’s history. Tiananmen Square is HUGE. You really don’t do anything there but hang out on this large open concrete covered space, be present in the moment, and people watch.

I would estimate that about 90% of the visitors/tourists were from another province in China and this was their BIG vacation (kind of like how Washington DC would be to us). They come to see all of the historical sites of Beijing, the famous monuments, temples, and places that represent so much to them than we’ll ever know. As I stepped foot on the grounds, I was instantly approached by a college student who befriended me and wanted to know where I was going. I told her that I wanted to see the Square and the Forbidden City and as she pointed in the direction of where I should go, and then continued to walk with me, I thought I made my first friend. About 5 minutes and many conversations later about how she is a student in another part of China, here on vacation, learning English, etc, I finally realized that SHE wanted to be my hired “tour guide”. And she wasn’t the only one. I would say that about 10 people came up to me throughout the day asking to be the same thing. You know when you are being approached by someone wanting something from you, when:

1. They are usually in their 20’s
2. They speak English
3. And then the questions: “You are beautiful! Where are you from? How long are you here? Is this your first time to Beijing? What is your name? Where are you staying?”……
At first, I fell for it, but quickly picked up on the game!

I sat in the middle of the Square for a bit just enjoying the sun and being present in the moment when I then started being approached by this sweet young girl and her family.

Little Girl

They sat down next to me and practically good the 2 year old in my lap and smiled. Immediately the camera came out and I was in the middle of a photo shoot with this precious girl in my lap. I didn’t really know what to think. I did like that everyone was so friendly but it was just so strange that they thought because of my blonde hair and blue eyes, that I was something else, something beautiful, something they’d never seen before. I had to admit, it did feel good!

Not before long, others started to follow suit, sending over family members to ask to take photo with me. It made me laugh each time and thought, "no one is going to believe me unless I catch this on video" So once I get to a place that allows YouTube to be viewed in their country, I’ll share!

Finally, I made my way to the Forbidden City.
As I walked through the massive complex, I imagined what it must have been like to live here back with all of the different dynasties that called this their home. One of our book club books, “Peony in Love”, came to mind as I strolled through the grounds. I pictured Peony being trapped in the walls of the City and never being able to leave (although it really is a city in and of its own). I got lots of pictures of pictures of the architecture of the city that still also exist throughout Beijing! Above and beyond the history surrounding me, I really felt like I learned more about the tourist culture of Beijing. Just know that even though I am exploring on my own here, I am constantly being entertained by the city’s occupants and contributing to the city my never-ending smiles and laughter as I head to the next destination!

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